On August 18th Coco Chanel would have been 128 years old - or 118 depending which biography of Coco we read. It's hard to believe that so many things that we take for granted in our wardrobes, like trousers, a little black dress, or jackets, we should thank her for. She did us all a big favour of "stealing" from the boys and passing the goodies to us. One of many invaluable lessons we learned from her is not to be afraid to experiment in fashion - it leads to great discoveries and grooms our sense of style. We may not actually own anything with a "Chanel" label, but our wardrobe favorites echo hers.
Her choices were brave for the times she lived in, and her courage to be a fashion trailblazer led her to be a fashion icon. It was her who said that luxury is a state of mind, and not a state of our bank account. A century later after she opened her first boutique her brand stays strong and we continue to crave all things Chanel. What else can I say about Coco Chanel, that hasn't already been said? Merci!
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